Objects in JavaScript:

Everything else besides primitive data type values is an object.

Objects are key-value stores, more specifically stringkey-value stores. The "keys" of an object are called properties.

The syntax to create a plain object is {key: value, ...}, which is called an object literal. For example:

var obj = {
    foo: 'bar',
    baz: 42

Note that the above example doesn't use quotation marks around the property names. In an object literal, quotation marks can be be omitted if the property name would also be a valid variable name. If not, they need to be quoted. Number literals are valid an object literal as well.

Here are some more examples of valid and invalid property names in object literals:

var obj = {
  foo: 0,        // valid, could be variable name
  'bar': 0,      // string literals are always valid
  123: 0,        // number literals are always valid
  1.5: 0,        // ^
  foo-bar: 0,    // invalid, would not be a valid variable name
  'foo-bar': 0,  // string literals are alwaus valid

Important: No matter which value or syntax you use for a property name, the value will always be converted to a string.


ES2015 adds two extensions to object values and object literals:

  • Symbols are can be used as property names. They are not converted to strings.
  • Object literals can contain [computed property names][computed properties]:

    var foo = 42;
    var obj = {
        [foo]: 0
    // creates {42: 0}


Just like in Java and other object-oriented programming languages, objects are represented as references. That means if a variable has an object as a value, it really has a reference to that object.

var user = {name: 'Tom'}:


┌─────┬──────────┐       │  Object#123  │
│user │ ref:123 ◆┼──────▶├──────┬───────┤
└─────┴──────────┘       │ name │ "Tom" │


Assigning the value to another variable makes both variables point to the same object:

var owner = user;


┌─────┬──────────┐       ┌──────────────┐
│user │ ref:123 ◆┼──┐    │  Object#123  │
├─────┼──────────┤  ├───▶├──────┬───────┤
│owner│ ref:123 ◆┼──┘    │ name │ "Tom" │
└─────┴──────────┘       └──────┴───────┘


Assigning to user.name will therefore also "change" owner.name:

user.name = 'Joe';
console.log(user.name, owner.name);
// Joe, Joe


┌─────┬──────────┐       ┌──────────────┐
│user │ ref:123 ◆┼──┐    │  Object#123  │
├─────┼──────────┤  ├───▶├──────┬───────┤
│owner│ ref:123 ◆┼──┘    │ name │ "Joe" │
└─────┴──────────┘       └──────┴───────┘


But assigning a new value to either user or owner will result in only that variable referring to the new value. The other variable will still refer to the same value.

owner = { name: 'Kim' };


                         │  Object#123  │
┌─────┬──────────┐  │    │ name │ "Joe" │
│user │ ref:123 ◆┼──┘    └──────┴───────┘
│owner│ ref:456 ◆┼──┐    ┌──────────────┐
└─────┴──────────┘  │    │  Object#456  │
                         │ name │ "Kim" │


The JavaScript standard defines a couple of built-in objects with additional properties and special internal behavior, must notably arrays and functions, which are explained in the next slides.